The Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) recently completed a utility box painting, as part of the Eureka Box Art Program happening throughout Eureka. Emily Reinhart, an artist and employee in the Information Technology Department jumped on the opportunity and enlisted the help of an aspiring artist and community school student from HCOE’s Educational Resource Center, Sevion Rivera.
Emily and Sevion worked as team over the course of a couple weeks to come up with an educational theme, rendering concepts from pages in a binder, to full-sized paintings surrounding eight sides of two utility boxes attached by a pipe on the corner of West and Myrtle in Eureka. Sevion came up with the design for the top of the box as a solo project that coincided with the theme.

Emily and Sevion worked as team over the course of a couple weeks to come up with an educational theme, rendering concepts from pages in a binder, to full-sized paintings surrounding eight sides of two utility boxes attached by a pipe on the corner of West and Myrtle in Eureka. Sevion came up with the design for the top of the box as a solo project that coincided with the theme.