Humboldt County Office of Education: HCOE Findings and Recommendations for the Samoa Beach Academy

HCOE Findings and Recommendations for the Samoa Beach Academy

HCOE Findings and Recommendations for the Samoa Beach Academy

Regarding the Samoa Beach Academy Charter Petition, as required by Education Code 47605(b), at least 15 days prior to the public hearing at which the board will grant or deny the charter, the board must publish “all staff recommendations, including the recommended findings.”

Please find attached the findings and a staff recommendation.  These documents shall be shared with the Humboldt County Board of Education and published to our website.

  1. Cover Letter for SBA Findings
  2. SBA Final Findings and Recommendation
  3. SBA Sample Master Schedules
  4. Criteria for the Review and Approval of Charter School Petitions
  5. Scope:  Humboldt County Charter School Market Evaluation
    (Note: Scope document is 80MB and may take a while to download)