Humboldt County Office of Education: Counselors’ Workshops | North Coast Cal-SOAP

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Virtual Financial Aid Workshops for Couselors

in partnership with CSAC and uAspire

student-related webinar
This year North Coast Cal-SOAP is proud to bring you two great series of virtual counselors’ workshops!

The Califonia Student Aid Commission‘s Annual Statewide Financial Aid Workshops will be a series of webinars in the fall. In addition, North Coast Cal-SOAP has partnered with uAspire to bring you a series of five virtual trainings that will take place over the course of the school year.

uAspire Virtual Trainings

North Coast Cal-SOAP plans to bring you up to six different webinars throughout the year. The first three trainings will be on FAFSA completion and College Affordability Planning and will be held in October. The fourth will be on SAR verification. The fifth training will cover financial aid offer review, and the final training will focus on Summer Transition and College Success.

CSAC College Affordability Summit

CSAC California College Affordability Summit

Date/Time TBD

The California Student Aid Commission, Riverside and Sacramento County Offices of Education, and uAspire we are extremely excited to invite you to the second annual California College Affordability Summit: A Pathway to Financial Aid. The event will be a one-day virtual experience free of cost for participants across the state.

Our Partners | In Their Words

uAspire logo

uAspire is a nonprofit organization ensuring that all young people have the financial information and resources necessary to find an affordable path to and through college. Our singular focus is on college affordability and removing financial barriers so that every student has an equitable opportunity to graduate from college and succeed in life.

California Student Aid Commission Logo

The California Student Aid Commission is the principal state agency responsible for administering financial aid programs for students attending public and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools in California. The Commission’s central mission is to make education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians.

Additional Resources

CSAC YouTube Channel

CSAC YouTube Channel Screenshot
The California Student Aid Commission has a YouTube channel filled with financial aid resources.

CSAC Training Videos

CSAC Training Video Library

Training videos feature pre-recorded content, presented online with voice narration. Webinars will be recorded and offered as training videos.

FAFSA Demo Site

Screenshot of FAFSA Website
There is a demo site available for counselors to use to show students and parents how to use the FAFSA website.

Cal-SOAP Resource Library

Website featuring Cal-SOAP Financial Aid Resources

A living archive of all financial aid and college access resources used in the Cal-SOAP Success Program. Note: To access this page, contact Rachel Perry at

NCCC3 Listserv

A peer-listserve for practitioners in the North State, who support students to pursue postsecondary education. To subscribe, email

AICCU College Guides

Screenshot of AICCU Site
The Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) has a page of downloadable resources for counselors, students, and families.

Cal-SOAP Staff

Cindy Porter
Higher Ed Pathways Manager / Cal-SOAP
Grace Lovell
Cal-SOAP Program & Event Technician
Rachel Perry
Cal-SOAP Financial Aid & College Access Technician