Humboldt County Office of Education: Career Technical Education at Arcata High

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Career Technical Education Programs
at Arcata High School

All CTE Pathways are comprised of hands-on, project based learning. Students who choose to complete three or four classes in a pathway sequence will graduate with skills ready to enter the workforce or continue their skill building in college. Students are introduced to career options, job shadowing opportunities and internships. Students also have an opportunity to participate in student leadership organizations and gain essential skills needed to enter the workforce.

CTE programs are developed in partnership with industry professionals in the field to ensure learning is relevant and meaningful. Some pathways offer industry certifications upon completion. Although many of these pathways can be started as freshmen and continued all 4 years, it’s also possible to start sophomore year and graduate with a completed pathway. These pathways are found throughout many departments at Arcata High. Watch the specific videos for more detailed information about these classes and programs.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or