Humboldt County Office of Education: Engineering & Architecture | CTE at Arcata High

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Engineering & Architecture


Portrait of Jason Sidell
Jason Sidell

Architectural Design

(Taught on the McKinleyville High School campus)

Architectural Design is a course that will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of art through architectural history and design theory. Historical perspectives and social issues are introduced to help students better understand art as a powerful means of communication. Students will be introduced to architectural design principles and various art forms as they relate to architecture and architectural components. Additional emphasis will be placed on logical reasoning, visualization, and practical application using basic sketching and technical drawing techniques. Students will follow the stages of the design process by completing a project from the site analysis to a finished building design. 

Makers 1:

Prerequisites: none The Makers 1 course provides a foundation in a wide variety of skills used by designers, engineers, and innovators. Makers is a hands-on, project-based course that will also challenge you intellectually. Practical skills are learned, such as drafting, electronics, computer programming, robotics, 3D modeling, 2D graphics, basic tool use, soldering, 3D printing, laser engraving/cutting, and CNC machining. Students also gain a foundation of essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, designing, measuring, and working with their hands. If you want to learn to create, invent, and innovate, this is the class for you! This course is part of the Innovation Design Institute, a sequenced pathway of classes preparing students for a broad array of creative and technical careers. Innovation Design Institute students have access to teacher facilitators, industry experts, and industry standard technology. The classroom is called the CoLab, or “collaboration laboratory”. The CoLab is part shop, part lab, and part classroom combining all the resources of art, computers, science, and shop classes; equipped with machines like 3D printers, laser engravers, CNC machines, and robots; all used in a curriculum that teaches 21st century skills.

Makers 2 (Product Innovation and Design):

Product Innovation and Design is a capstone course for the pathway. The course provides a culminating experience for students with advanced skills in the areas of Making, Art, and career technical classes such as Wood and Metals. The main focus of this course is professional development and entrepreneurship. Students apply skills learned in previous courses to develop professional-level projects. In addition to class projects, students participate in an internship with a local organization related to their career interests. This course is part of the Innovation Design Institute, a sequenced pathway of classes preparing students for a broad array of creative and technical careers. Innovation Design Institute students have access to teacher facilitators, industry experts, and industry standard technology. The classroom is called the CoLab, or “collaboration laboratory”. The CoLab is part shop, part lab, and part classroom combining all the resources of art, computers, science, and shop classes; equipped with machines like 3D printers, laser engravers, CNC machines, and robots; all used in a curriculum that teaches 21st century skills.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or