Humboldt County Office of Education: Transportation | CTE at Arcata High

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Photo of Alissa Sarvinski
Torg Sahlman

Automotive Technology 1:

This course is designed to give a basic understanding of the automobile and its components, as it relates to the potential technician as well as consumer oriented vehicle maintenance. The course will include: Introduction and Safety, Hand Tools, Small Engine Rebuild, Vehicle Service and Maintenance, Brakes, Electrical Systems, Steering and Suspension.

Advanced Automotive Technology:

This course presents the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills obtained in Auto 1 to the maintenance and repair of the automobile. The course will include “hands-on” units in: Introduction and Safety, Vehicle Service, Brake Systems, Manual Drive Trains and Axles, Automatic Transmission and Engine Performance.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or