Humboldt County Office of Education: Local Schools Receive Work Stations for Trades Academy

Local Schools Receive Work Stations for Trades Academy

Local Schools Receive Work Stations for Trades Academy

The Trades Academy took charge when it was noted that some of our local schools did not have any tools or equipment for hands-on CTE learning. On Tuesday, September 24th, local schools received a work station loaded with various tools and equipment. The work stations will be used for student projects during the Trades Academy visits. The schools that received the work stations included Alder Grove Charter School, Zoe Barnum High School, Pacific View Charter, and Northern United Charter School. The students and staff were very excited about the new work stations and are eager to put them to use!

Program Director

Tanya Trump
Director, Career & College Resources

Trades Academy

Jack Sheppard
Program Manager - CTE


Megan Freitas
Work Based Learning Specialist

Internship Coordinator