Humboldt County Office of Education: County Moves to Vaccination Phase 1B Tier 1

County Moves to Vaccination Phase 1B Tier 1

On Thursday, Jan. 14, the Humboldt County Joint Information Center announced it has begun to move into Phase 1B of its COVID-19 Vaccine plan. From a County press release:

In vaccine news, today the county moved into Phase 1B-tier 1, starting with people age 75 and older.

Public Health Director Michele Stephens said, “We continue to work through the tiers in our plan and are now opening up to people 75 and older since there is sufficient vaccine to do so. As we receive additional vaccine, we’ll open up additional tiers.”

Phase 1B Tier 1 also includes people working in education, but at this point, Public Health is focusing on those ages 75 and older. HCOE will share more information as it becomes available.

The above video is the full content of a press conference with Humboldt County Public Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman and Public Health Director Michele Stephens on Friday, Jan. 15.

Read Full Release Humboldt County Vaccine Information