Humboldt County Office of Education: HCOE Named California Medium County Office of the Year!

HCOE Named California Medium County Office of the Year!

HCOE Named California Medium County Office of the Year!

Eureka – The Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) was recognized at the 2024 California County Superintendents Annual Awards, which were announced Tuesday, September 17. The annual awards winners are selected by a committee composed of county superintendents throughout the state.

HCOE was honored as the Medium (Size) County Office of the Year, which is define as follows:

Medium (Size) County Office of the Year to a county office of education with student populations of 15,000 – 140,000. Criteria was a combination of previous awards categories such as Professional Publication, Technological Innovation, and Executive Leadership and would add other considerations such as whole child implementation, work surrounding students with disabilities, DEI initiatives, campaigns, supporting arts education, and other state-leading/extraordinary work. There were 24 eligible counties.

Michael Davies-Hughes accepts an award on HCOE's behalf

County Superintendent of Schools Michael Davies-Hughes accepted the award, saying “I am thrilled that the Humboldt County Office of Education is receiving this statewide recognition from the California County Superintendents organization. I am proud of the exceptional work our staff does every day within every department in preparing students for their preferred future. I am honored to work alongside such a dedicated and forward-thinking team.”

Other awards include:

  • Small County Office of the Year: Krystal Lomanto, San Benito County Office of Education
  • Large County Office of the Year: Mary Ann Dewan, Santa Clara County Office of Education
  • Business and Administration Service Committee (BASC) STAR Award Winner: Dean West, Orange County Department of Education
  • Curricular and Improvement Support Committee (CISC) STAR Award Winner: Caryn Lewis, Monterey County Office of Education
  • County Operated Student Programs Committee (COSP) STAR Award Winner: MonicaVaughan, Alameda County Office of Education
  • Personnel Administrative Services Committee (PASCo) STAR Award Winner: Colleen Slattery, Placer County Office of Education
  • Technology Service Committee (TSC) STAR Award Winner: Julie Judd, Ventura County Office of Education

For more information, please visit contact Stacy Young, Community Outreach and Engagement Director, HCOE or 707-445-7024

Top photo caption: From left to right: Rich DuVarney, President of California County Superintendents; Michael Davies-Hughes, Humboldt County Superintendent of Schools; and Jeff Harris, Del Norte County Superintendent of Schools

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
