Humboldt County Office of Education: Chew and Chat

HCOE Early Education Department

Early Childhood Education

Early Intervention • Parental Support • Professional Development

Chew and Chat Series Header

Supporting Districts & Charters with Universal
Transitional Kindergarten & California’s P-3 Framework

Chew & Chat is a request-based service. Local teachers and district/charter leaders can request a 45-minute topic be offered at their site. A list of topics is available below. A speaker works with your school to select a day and time that works for your staff. We bring the refreshments.

Here are some of the topics we can chat about:

Play-based learning –
Why it matters in TK!

What Curriculum should I use?!

Fine motor and
supporting early writing

Universal Design For Learning
in the TK room

Making a Joyful classroom – Support Positive behaviors for little ones

Developmentally appropriate
environments in TK

Identification of disabilities – what to look for, how to talk with parents

What is P-3?

Alignment with the TK Foundations in
lesson planning and IEP development

What is developmentally appropriate assessment in TK?

EL in TK

Suggestions for Supporting
After-School Program Staff

Don’t see a topic? Write to us! Chew and Chat sessions are designed to be introductions and light information with bridging to more resources.

Email Erica Roane at with your request.