Humboldt County Office of Education: Early Childhood Support

HCOE Early Education Department

Early Childhood Education

Early Intervention • Parental Support • Professional Development

The Early Childhood Education Department strives to provide support for educators and families for P-3 (PreKindergarten through 3rd Grade), Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) and Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK)

What is P-3?

P-3 is an acronym that stands for Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade. P-3 is a long-term approach that supports children before they start formal school, and through the primary grades of elementary school (K-3). The goal is to improve the quality of children’s learning, and to prevent or close achievement gaps. P-3 includes voluntary universal pre-kindergarten, full-day kindergarten, and alignment of both through the third grade of elementary education.

Informational Links about P-3

What is Universal PreKindergarten or UPK?

Universal preschool is an international movement supporting the use of public funding to provide preschool education to all families. This movement is focused on promoting a global, rather than local, preschool program. Universal Pre-Kindergarten is a nationwide, government-funded effort to make pre-kindergarten education for 4-year-old children available at no cost. UPK requirements and offerings vary from state to state.

Informational Links about UPK

What is Universal Transitional Kindergarten?

Universal Transitional Kindergarten is a new grade level preceding Kindergarten, and it is open to all pupils turning 4 by September 1. CA legislation has updated the age requirements for students who are entering Universal Transitional Kindergarten.  TK is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate. Senate Bill (SB) 858 establishes the intent that TK curriculum be aligned to the California Preschool Learning Foundations and California Preschool Curriculum Frameworks developed by the CDE.

Informational Links about UTK

Early Childhood Resources

Local Child Care Planning Council (LCCPC)
Judi Andersen
Coordinator, Local Child Care Planning Council

Local Childcare Planning Council LogoThe mission of the Local Child Care Planning Council of Humboldt County is to assess, plan, and promote quality, accessible, affordable child care and development services reflecting the diverse needs of families throughout Humboldt County.

The LCCPC sets priorities for state funding allocations annually and conducts a comprehensive needs assessment every 5 years. We conduct outreach and education on the importance of child care to our community. The LCCPC works collaboratively with organizations throughout Humboldt County.

The LCCPC compiles data in the area of child care demand/availability/usage and other areas of need. Every 5 years a Child Care Needs Assessment is produced. Every year the LCCPC sets priorities by zip code for potential new state child care funding.

Visit Website

Baby's First Year Calendar
Judi Andersen
Coordinator, Local Child Care Planning Council

Baby Calendar CoverThe Baby’s First Year Activity Calendar was developed as a resource for parents. The timelines for developmental milestones and activities are estimates, all babies develop at their own pace. Click on the image at left to see it!

Learn More

Getting Ready for Kindergarten: A Parent’s Guide
Judi Andersen
Coordinator, Local Child Care Planning Council

Getting Ready for KindergartenGetting Ready for Kindergarten: A guide for parents of children entering Kindergarten in the Fall, is now available online. It includes information about afterschool options, and activities for children. Click on the links below to view the materials via PDF. To request hard copies call 445-7006.

Learn More

California Preschool Instruction Network (CPIN)
Gloria Topolewski
Regional Lead, CPIN Region 1

CPIN LogoCPIN’s mission is to provide high quality professional development and technical assistance to preschool teachers and administrators to ensure preschool children are ready for school. Our goal is to enhance the quality of early learning environments by presenting current information from the Preschool Learning Foundations, teaching strategies from the Preschool Curriculum Frameworks and the Preschool English Learners Guide.

We invite you to visit the CPIN website to learn more about what’s happening in our region and across the state.

CDD Resources: Preschool Learning Foundations & Preschool Curriculum Framework

These Department of Education-Child Development Division resources are valuable tools for helping early educators understand the knowledge and skills that we can expect children to exhibit in a quality program as they complete their first or second year of preschool. The preschool Curriculum Framework offers strategies for supporting the Foundations and enhancing the early learning environment.

These documents can be accessed through the CDD Resources website under “Teacher Resources.”

Early Childhood Professional Development Opportunities

A list of statewide CPIN professional development opportunities is available on the CPIN website. To register for a Humboldt county training visit the HCOE Professional Development page.

Transitional Kindergarten

CPIN also supported districts as they develop Transitional Kindergarten programs by sharing CDD resources on child development and helping to build relationships with the early education community.

Is your child eligible for transitional kindergarten?

Early Childhood

Genevive Macias
Director of Early Education
Erica Roane
Learning Specialist- ECCI
Judi Andersen
Coordinator, Local Child Care Planning Council
Gloria Topolewski
Regional Lead, CPIN Region 1