Group Counseling is a new CalSTRS service where you can learn about CalSTRS benefits and services, guided by a benefits counselor, and at the same time interact with fellow educators in a small group setting.
Choose a session tailored to you:

CalSTRS & You
(early and mid-career members)
- CalSTRS Benefits
- Online tools available 24/7
- Your financial Future
CalSTRS & Your Retirement
(nearing retirement)
- Beneficiary options and how to protect your loved one(s)
- Details on retirement choices
- Personalized benefit estimates
Application Roundtable
(ready to complete the retirement application)
Access hands-on application assistance. Finalize and submit your Service Retirement Application to CalSTRS. Bring your spouse or partner to sign your application.
Advance registration is required for these sessions. Contact your local CalSTRS benefits counseling office for dates and locations. To find your local CalSTRS offices, visit or call (800) 228-5453.