Humboldt County Office of Education: Agriscience | CTE at Ferndale High


Photo of Theresa Noga
Theresa Noga
Portrait of Alexa Alexandre

Alexa Alexandre

Ag. Biology

This course provides information, activities, and skills in the area of scientific methods, classification systems, mammalian production, production management, health care, anatomy, physiology, reproduction, nutrition, mitosis, meiosis, respiration, and genetics. Emphasis is placed on mammals which are most important to human culture as we know it. Homework varies by unit, but averages about one assignment per week. Tests are given regularly and students will be expected to participate in assignments, labs, activities, class discussion, and other structured events. Notebooks are required and are graded periodically.

Ag. Chemistry

This course explores the physical and chemical nature of soil as well as the relationships between soil, plants, animals and agricultural practices. Students will examine properties of soil and land and their connections to plant and animal production. Using knowledge of scientific protocols as well as course content, students will develop an Agriscience research program to be conducted throughout the first semester of the course. To complete that whole project each student will investigate and test an Agriscience research question by formulating a scientific question related to the course content, formulating a hypothesis based on related research, conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis, collecting quantitative data, and forming a conclusion based on analysis of the data. 

Advanced Interdisciplinary Ag. Science

Advanced Interdisciplinary Science for Sustainable Agriculture is an integrated class that combines an interdisciplinary approach to laboratory science and research with agricultural management principles. Using skills and principles learned in the course, including the chemical and biological principles that govern plant science and crop production, students design systems and experiments to solve agricultural management issues currently facing the industry. Additionally, students connect the products created in this class with industry activities to link real world encounters and implement skills demanded by both colleges and careers. The course culminates with an agriscience experimental research project in which students design and conduct an experiment to solve a relevant agricultural issue. Throughout the course, students will be graded on participation in intracurricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or