Humboldt County Office of Education: Zoe Barnum Programs | CTE at Eureka City Schools

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Zoe Barnum Programs

Photo of Brad Albee

Brad Albee, Principal

Photo of Zoe Barnum High

Zoe Barnum High School is a California Continuation High School specializing in credit recovery and interest-based learning.  Through our new Learning Through Internship (LTI) program, students can earn high school credits while making connections interning in the community.  This program will give access to required coursework towards graduation, with emphasis placed on setting a course of workplace study inspiring students to move towards their chosen future.  When students go out on internships, their learning is hands-on, authentic, and involves the larger real world.  While they are at school, each student works with their teacher to recover the needed credits for graduation, build upon their skills, and reinforce their knowledge to complete internship projects and prepare for their chosen pathway. 

All students are supported by the many services offered at the Zoe Barnum campus including the Marshall Family Resource Center (MFRC), Humboldt Bridges to Success, TRIO Talent Search, and CalSOAP Success Coaching.  In addition, students in our Southwest Rotary Interact Club organize and participate in community events including neighborhood cleanups and toy drives.

Zoe Barnum is currently developing mentorships in many local industries including auto mechanics, trades, healthcare, animal shelters, and more. Local business owners with an interest in working with the youth in our community, are encouraged to contact the school to become a partner in the LTI program.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or