Humboldt County Office of Education: Event Submission Request

Event Submission Request

This form may be used to submit events for consideration to be added to our public calendar. Only education-related events will be considered, and not all submitted events will be published.

If you are looking to have an event added to our Professional Development calendar, use the Professional Development event submission form.

HCOE reserves the sole right to decide what is appropriate to publish.

Your Details

The event name. Example: Birthday party


This is a recurring event.


For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.

This event repeats every day days week on weeks on month on the months on the year years of each month
Event Times to


Create a location or start typing to search a previously created location.

Location not found

Update your address information above to generate a preciese map location.

Zoom is not properly set up:

OAuth application information incomplete.

Zoom is not properly set up:

OAuth application information incomplete.


Event Image

No image uploaded for this event yet