Humboldt County Office of Education: Insurance Calculator – Next Schoolyear

Insurance Rate Calculator*

This tool is intended to help certificated and classified bargaining unit employees determine their share of cost.

To calculate the cost of benefits, type your FTE in the yellow cell.

Compare your cost for each different plan based on your choice of medical, dental & vision.

Please note: If you are full time you must take all 3 benefits; medical, dental and vision.
If unsure of your FTE, please see below for examples or contact the HCOE Personnel Office.

Examples of FTE: Hours per Day Days per Week FTE
10-month employee 6 5 86%
5 5 71%
4 5 57%
6 4 69%
5 4 57%


*This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a guarantee of benefits. It is a tool to help you plan for your share of cost. For specific amounts please contact Payroll or Personnel.