Humboldt County Office of Education: Program Manager – Career & College Resources

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Program Manager – Career & College Resources

Job Summary

Under the general direction of the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, the Career & College Resources Program Manager serves as a leader in the development and implementation of all career and college related resources and programs. The Career & College Resources Program Manager shall also serve as a liaison between Career Technical Education instructional staff, school site administrators, program administrators, and the community-at-large relative to program promotion and the integration of career and college technical course offerings within other curricular programs in our local schools. Additionally, the Career and College Resource Program Manager will act as a bridge to our local workforce industry partners such as the Workforce Development Board, as well as College of the Redwoods and Humboldt State University.

Examples of Duties

  • Provide general supervisorial support to those working within the Career & College Resources Department, including but not limited to: Cal-SOAP staff, TPP/WA1 Staff, Makers programs staff, Education @ Work program staff, clerical team and others as deemed appropriate by the Assistant Superintendent.
  • Support Career & College Resources program staff to implement action plans and deliver appropriate resources.
  • Stay abreast of best practices and trends in career and college development and related instructional resources and methods and share information with appropriate stakeholders.
  • Gather and disseminate relevant information to educators, youth, parents, and community members.
  • Build and maintain strategic alliances and key partnerships with community based organizations, higher education institutions, schools, service provider agencies, businesses, parents, foundations, etc.
  • Compose and disseminate relevant and appropriate correspondences to appropriate stakeholders.
  • Develop key community relationships through Humboldt and Del Norte in an effort to enhance outreach, reduce duplication of services, and to streamline service delivery to youth, parents, educators, and the community.
  • Deliver relevant presentations at events and activities to disseminate information about career and college success
  • Seek ongoing and sustainable funding for department programs.
  • Support local districts in seeking sustainable funding for local district career and college programs.
  • Apprise members of the HCOE Board, HCOE Cabinet, and key stakeholders of relevant career and college information, action plan development/implementation, as well as with information regarding effectiveness of strategies.
  • Documents local and regional practices to inform public policy.
  • Advocate for county/regional needs to state organizations
  • Participates in the development of information and systems to establish communications to schools
  • Assure Career & College Resources program staff representation on related community advisory boards and committees.
  • Collaborate with strategic community/education partners to develop/implement appropriate activities, which are consistent with program goals and objectives.
  • Compile data and complete reports related to program activity.
  • Develops, maintains, and monitors department budgets
  • Attends and presents at statewide professional development meetings and activities.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by immediate supervisor as well as by members of the HCOE Cabinet.

Employment Standards

Knowledge of:

  • State and Regional Career Technical Education and College Access programs elements and requirements
  • Local, regional and statewide resources available to programs
  • Goals of Tk-12 content standards, curricula, instructional programs and assessment; characteristics of quality career and college education programs.

Ability to:

  • Establish and maintain a regional network system
  • Provide leadership and support to school sites, districts, county and state offices
  • Organize and facilitate school/district/county/region-wide technical assistance
  • Develop evaluation systems
  • Ability to select, train and supervise staff
  • Ability to work flexible hours including evenings and weekends
  • Ability to learn computer skills sufficient to perform all essential functions
  • Skill to develop measurable goals and objectives, set priorities, monitor expenditures, and evaluate projects/ programs towards achievement

Education, Experience, and Requirements

  • Possess an appropriate California Counseling, Administrative, or Teaching Credential
  • Strong interpersonal, organizational and presentation skills
  • Knowledge of community, regional and statewide career and college related issues, policies, and program initiatives
  • Demonstrate knowledge with various community resources including educational services, placement agencies, and both government sponsored and privately funded job-training programs.
  • Ability to coordinate networking opportunities
  • Ability to handle confidential information appropriately
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Have a record of excellence in making small and large group presentations, including demonstration of teaching skills and workshop/conference speaking
  • Awareness of socio-cultural characteristics of service population; ability to interact with diverse cultures
  • Must be fingerprinted with a satisfactory DOJ check
  • TB testing will be required upon employment
  • Must have normal vision corrected or uncorrected
  • May be required to obtain first aid and CPR certifications within the first 6 months of employment
  • May be required to drive for work. Must have current CA driver’s license, and proof of insurance

Physical Abilities

Special note regarding the physical demands of this position: There are some degree of physical activity and exertion required of this position. Over time, the physical demands of any position are subject to change. Depending upon the particular assignment, the Career and College Resources Program Manager may be expected to:

  • Stand, sit and/or move about for sustained periods.
  • Move about in non-traditional instructional environments; i.e., areas of the community
  • Report to multiple worksites in a given day or during the work week
  • Communicate effectively in-person and via telephone and other electronic media to individuals and groups of varying sizes.
  • Exercise physical control over students who are acting out and/or offer physical assistance to students who might find themselves impaired.
  • Conduct instructional programs within predesignated break periods and time schedules
  • Maintain an appropriate personal demeanor during periods of heightened stress created by outside factors not always within the ability of the teacher to control at the time.

April 24, 2020/ SSJ/jl

Certificated Mgmt Class 2

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

