After School Consortium / Redwood Afterschool Network
The Humboldt County Office of Education works with seventeen local schools in ten districts supporting and promoting the development and implementation of after school programs in Humboldt County. Successful after school programs include academic support, homework help, tutoring, literacy programs, physical activity, recreation, enrichment activities, and nutritious snacks for students. Examples of enrichment activities include arts & crafts, cooking clubs, music, dance, games, gardening, and robotics. All programs are free or low-cost. No student is turned away due to inability to pay. Each after school program site is run by the school district.
0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative

- Working with the 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative Planning & Advisory Group to identify and organize trainings to cultivate a qualified early childhood mental health workforce across disciplines.
- Coordinating ongoing professional development opportunities post trainings.
- Facilitating communication and networking related to early childhood mental health across disciplines and agencies.
- Working toward developing the infrastructure for an “in-county” early childhood mental health certification process.
- Providing training to education and family services organizations on topics related to early childhood mental health.
Local Child Care Planning Council (LCCPC)
The mission of the Local Child Care Planning Council of Humboldt County is to assess, plan, and promote quality, accessible, affordable child care and development services reflecting the diverse needs of families throughout Humboldt County.
The LCCPC sets priorities for state funding allocations annually and conducts a comprehensive needs assessment every 5 years. We conduct outreach and education on the importance of child care to our community. The LCCPC works collaboratively with organizations throughout Humboldt County.
The LCCPC compiles data in the area of child care demand/availability/usage and other areas of need. Every 5 years a Child Care Needs Assessment is produced. Every year the LCCPC sets priorities by zip code for potential new state child care funding.
MTSS Coalition - Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Individuals with high ACEs are more likely to suffer from physical and mental health issues. HCOE recognizes the need and importance of supporting the improvement of school climate, social emotional learning, and supporting all students in their educational setting. This commitment to student learning and growth led to the formation of the Northern California MTSS Coalition, established during the 2015/16 school year.
The coordinators of the MTSS Coalition, Peter Stoll and Haley Jones, work as trained consultants supporting districts and school sites throughout Humboldt and Del Norte Counties with the training, implementation, and coaching involved with this initiative.
California Preschool Instruction Network (CPIN)
CPIN’s mission is to provide high quality professional development and technical assistance to preschool teachers and administrators to ensure preschool children are ready for school. Our goal is to enhance the quality of early learning environments by presenting current information from the Preschool Learning Foundations, teaching strategies from the Preschool Curriculum Frameworks and the Preschool English Learners Guide.
We invite you to visit the CPIN website to learn more about what’s happening in our region and across the state.
CDD Resources: Preschool Learning Foundations & Preschool Curriculum Framework
These Department of Education-Child Development Division resources are valuable tools for helping early educators understand the knowledge and skills that we can expect children to exhibit in a quality program as they complete their first or second year of preschool. The preschool Curriculum Framework offers strategies for supporting the Foundations and enhancing the early learning environment.
These documents can be accessed through the CDD Resources website under “Teacher Resources.”
Early Childhood Professional Development Opportunities
A list of statewide CPIN professional development opportunities is available on the CPIN website. To register for a Humboldt county training visit the HCOE Professional Development page.
Transitional Kindergarten
CPIN also supported districts as they develop Transitional Kindergarten programs by sharing CDD resources on child development and helping to build relationships with the early education community.