Humboldt County Office of Education: uAspire Training Schedule | North Coast Cal-SOAP

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uAspire Trainings for School Counselors

brough to you by North Coast Cal-SOAP

student-related webinar

North Coast Cal-SOAP has partnered with uAspire to bring you a series of five virtual trainings that will take place over the course of the school year.

uAspire is a nonprofit organization with over 30 years’ experience in financial aid advising and providing expert tools. Cal-SOAP has additional funds this year which is being used to bring these trainings to our community. 

uAspire Training Schedule

All uAspire trainings will be conducted via Zoom.

Financial Aid & College Affordability Planning

Friday, September 22
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

This training will provide an overview of the main types of financial aid and the senior year financial aid timeline, while incorporating a student-centered approach to the terminology and requirements.

CSS Profile Completion Series

(Parts 1 AND 2)

Friday, October 13
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Over 400 colleges and universities require the CSS Profile, a financial aid application that is incredibly complex and distinctly different from the FAFSA. In this training, we will walk through the many sections of the CSS Profile, sharing tips for answering tricky questions and providing practice with student scenarios and case studies. We will also discuss potential follow-up steps, including the Noncustodial CSS Profile, waiver request process, and IDOC.

FAFSA Completion Series

(Parts 1 AND 2)

Friday, October 27
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Whether you have decades of experience with the FAFSA or you are just starting out, this is a great look under the hood of the most frequently used financial aid form. This training will walk you through the online form, give you opportunities to practice with complex scenarios, and highlight the potential pitfalls all practitioners and students should be aware of.

California Dream Act (CADAA)

Friday, December 8
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

This training will prepare you to navigate the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). We will discuss eligibility requirements, share tips for answering tricky questions, and provide opportunities to practice with student scenarios.

FAFSA Follow-Up & Verification

(Formerly SAR & Verification)

Friday, January 19
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

This training will address common challenges and best practices of FAFSA follow-up, including the importance of reviewing the FAFSA Submission Summary (previously called the Student Aid Report). We will also discuss federal verification requirements and strategies for helping students navigate the verification process.

Financial Aid Offer Review

Friday, February 9
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

This training will show you the power of analyzing financial aid offers and give you the tools, knowledge, and language to support students with this critical step in the financial aid process.

Summer Transition & College Success

Friday, April 5
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

This training will increase your ability to advise students around critical summer affordability activities, including paying the fall bill and planning for indirect expenses
College Access PDO Day

Thursday, September 28, 2023

  • CSAC Financial Aid Workshop
  • Networking Lunch & Tabling Fair
  • AICCU Counselor Conference

Attendee Tip:

Try to attend North Coast Cal-SOAP’s College Access Professional Development Day prior to uAspire’s FAFSA Part I and II. uAspire trainings have been customized to build upon and not duplicate the CSAC training

Cal-SOAP Staff

Cindy Porter
Higher Ed Pathways Manager / Cal-SOAP
Grace Lovell
Cal-SOAP Program & Event Technician
Rachel Perry
Cal-SOAP Financial Aid & College Access Technician