Humboldt County Office of Education: Agricultural Mechanics | CTE at Ferndale High

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Agricultural Mechanics


Photo of Kelly O'Day
Kelly O’Day

Ag. Mechanics

This course is designed for freshman and first year fabrication students to familiarize them with the general skills they may need for a career in agricultural mechanics or agricultural engineering. First semester is primarily wood working while the second semester is primarily welding. Throughout the entire year there will be miniature lessons of shop skills – plumbing, masonry, concrete, electrical, and leadership, including FFA mini lessons. 

Intermediate Ag. Mechanics

This course is designed for second and third year students that are interested in working in a field of Agricultural mechanics or engineering. This course would expand the students’ knowledge in both wood and metal fabrication, construction and design with various mini lessons throughout the year and more advanced mini lesson projects. The students will begin to focus on individual shop projects in a material of their choosing.

Advanced Ag. Mechanics

This course is the capstone class of the agricultural mechanic pathway. It is designed to build on the skills students have learned in their previous courses, creating their own projects. This is primarily a project based class. Students will have the opportunity to work in any material of their choosing and utilize the skills attained in the previous two courses. Students will plan for post-secondary education or to enter into the workforce. 

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or