Humboldt County Office of Education: Culinary | CTE at Fortuna High


Photo of Stacy Chatfield
Stacy Chatfield

Students gain an introduction to hospitality and food service industries as it applies to work in a commercial setting. Students will use small and large equipment used in commercial kitchens, supplies, products and procedures in an interdisciplinary approach. 

Culinary Arts 1 – Beginning Foods 

Culinary Arts is an introductory course in the Food Service and Hospitality pathway. It is designed for students who are interested in understanding the principles of food and nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Culinary Arts 2 – Intermediate Foods 

The course focuses instruction on advanced food safety and sanitation, the chemical composition of food, reactions of food, and food microbiology as related to food preparation and techniques, along with facilities, storage, and equipment.

Culinary Arts  3 – Restaurant Occupations

The course focuses on preparing students for occupations in the culinary industry.  Food preparation, food service, management, quality control, safety, and sanitation are all the main components of this course.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or