Humboldt County Office of Education: Welding & Metal Fabrication | CTE at Fortuna High

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Welding and Metal Fabrication


Photo of Brett Roslosnik
Brett Roslosnik

The Welding and Metal Fabrication pathway prepares students with knowledge and skills in the metalworking industry for entry level positions.

Weld / Metals 1 

Students learn the processes and technical knowledge that is used in the metals industry.

Weld / Metals 2  

Students work on specific projects of their own design that help them sharpen the skills that they have developed in the beginning class. 

Metal Practicum

The Practicum class serves as the capstone of the Metals pathway.  This is a class where students work their way into jobs and operate on a professional level. Students can be placed in community internships and or utilize experiential learning through community commissioned projects.

For more information on CTE programs in Humboldt County contact William Row, HCOE Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator at (707) 445-7817 or