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The Humboldt Office of Education (HCOE) and Cal Poly Humboldt are pleased to announce that there is funding to support up to 7 Residency Program candidates to obtain their special education credential through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Each selected candidate will receive $13,000 to cover costs associated with:
Residency candidates can be hired to be a paraprofessional while simultaneously enrolled in Cal Poly Humboldt’s Education Specialist Credential Program allowing selected participants to obtain their preliminary Education Specialist teaching credential
The eligible candidates in a teacher residency program shall agree in writing to work as an education specialist serving a caseload of pupils who receive special education services in a special education setting.
Further, the sponsored candidate will serve in a district for a period of at least four school years, which may begin with the school year after the candidate successfully completes the initial year of preparation and obtains a preliminary teaching credential.
A candidate who fails to complete the period of placement shall reimburse HCOE the amount of funding that was invested in the candidate’s residency training.