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School Climate • Mental Health & Wellness • Foster/Homeless Youth Services`
The Prevention and Intervention team provides support to districts within a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS). MTSS is a framework organizing behavioral, academic, and social-emotional instruction and intervention through continuous improvement and data based decision making.
As the California Department of Education recognizes – systemic change promoting responsive and effective early intervention in equitable and inclusive learning environments, not only improves student outcomes, but embraces the whole-child and ultimately improves quality of life for the individual as well as the community at large.
We provide training, resources and support to districts to scale up their MTSS efforts. Integrated mental health services, equity, school climate and inclusive discipline are the drivers of our collaborative efforts. We focus on PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports), Restorative Practices, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and transformative Social-Emotional Learning.
In collaboration with our schools, the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services, Probation, Tribal agencies and other key community based agencies, HCOE’s Foster & Homeless Youth Services (HCOEYes)work to build the capacity throughout the county in order to create the supports and services needed to assist our foster and homeless youth in order to for them to reach their fullest potential as students and as healthy young adults