Humboldt County Office of Education: Humboldt County History Day

Humboldt County History Day

Each spring, students in 4th grade through high school compete in Humboldt County History Day, held at Humboldt State University. Through the rigorous process of researching and preparing creative and original History Day projects, students learn and analyze issues, ideas, people and events in history and apply that knowledge to their projects. The projects must reflect that year’s National History Day theme.

National History Day Theme Logo for 2024: Turning Points in History

2024 Contest Theme:
Turning Points in History

A turning point is an idea, event, or action that directly, or sometimes indirectly, causes change. The National History Day® (NHD) 2024 contest theme invites you to consider questions of time and place, cause and effect, change over time, and impact and significance.

» Learn more about the theme.

2024 Event Resources

The student entry list is now a searchable online database. Search your student’s name to find their entry information, and download and print out their Certificate of Participation!

Students can participate individually or in groups. Students in grades 4 and 5 must use posters to interpret the theme.  Those in grades 6-12 choose from one of five categories: Documentaries, Exhibits, Historical papers, Performances, and Websites.

Local history experts judge the projects and select those who will advance to State History Day. Winners at State compete at National History Day near Washington D.C. in June.

Important Notice Regarding Historical Papers

Beginning with contests in 2024, registration and submission of all historical papers will follow a different format from other categories. Historical papers will not compete at county contests. Instead, papers will be directly submitted to the state contest by the teacher.

Each school will be allowed to submit up to 3 papers. Please complete the School Participation Form below to let us know your school plans to participate.

More Information | School Participation Form | Download Flyer PDF

Photo Gallery

2025 Humboldt History Day

Saturday, March 8
Cal Poly Humboldt

Event Information


Agustin Amaro
(707) 502-4343

Tiffany Bullman
(707) 362-6994


Drew Riddle
(707) 839-6400

Jack Bareilles
(707) 845-6546