This test replaces the former Instructional Aide Exam, as it is designed to meet the Every Student Succeeds Act standards as outlined in the Federal law.
Test Content
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Ability to Assist (situational questions dealing with common sense)
- Test is multiple choice with one short essay.
Test Schedule/Fee
- In-person tests are offered at the Humboldt County Office of Education every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., with a limit of eight testers per day. Advance reservation is required.
- Average duration: 2-3 hours (not timed)
- Cost: $7.00 (paid either via credit card when booking your test, or by check when you arrive).
- Your test will be corrected and you will be informed of your results the same day.
- A score of 70% on all three sections is considered passing. If you pass, you will be issued a permanent verification card.
- You will be eligible to retake any section(s) that you fail at no additional charge, as many times as necessary.
Study Materials
The official study guide is available in the Humboldt Educators Resource Center (HERC) but due to copyright laws, the study materials cannot be removed from the HERC.
Here are some additional informational links to help you prepare for the exam:
And here are some additional math videos that might be helpful: