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This three day event held at the Humboldt County Office of Education in the Sequoia Center encourages and celebrates students’ scientific curiosity and problem solving skills by inviting students to participate in either a competitive science fair project showcase for 4th-12th grade students or a non-competitive science poster showcase for TK-12 students. In each showcase students illustrate and communicate their scientific thinking, sharing learning with each other and the community at large.
More than 300 students in the County take part in this event which honors the memory of Dr. Doris Niles, a beloved Humboldt County teacher who was instrumental in furthering students’ and teachers’ science education. Over 100 volunteer judges review projects, culminating in an awards ceremony where 125 medals and special recognition awards are presented.
A highlight is the awarding of the “Dr. Doris Niles Perpetual Trophy” which is presented to a “young student of promise”. On the final day of the event the community is invited to attend to view project displays from the competitive showcase and posters which illustrate the broad scientific literacy of County students including demonstrating their learning from engaging in citizen science, STEAM, and collaborative and community projects.