Humboldt County Office of Education: Career Technical Education

CTE Humboldt Logo

Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education, also referred to as CTE, is a multi-year sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers. HCOE offers a variet of CTE-related programs and initiatives.

CTE Programs & Resources

Logo-Health Career Exploration Summer Institute

Health Career Exploration Project (HCEP)

Megan Freitas
Megan Freitas
Work Based Learning Specialist

The Health Career Exploration Project gives students interested in health careers the opportunity to explore various healthcare pathways. Its anchor program, the Health Careers Exporation Summer Institute (HESI) is a is a 2-3 week long experience for high school students interested in health careers.

Logo of the Technology Exploration Summer Institute

Technology Exploration Summer Institute (TESI)

Ann Marie Rocha
Ann Marie Rocha
Program and Event Coordinator

The Technology Exploration Summer Institute (TESI) provides high school students the opportunity to explore career fields in Information Communication Technology (ICT) during the summer.

Trades Academy Logo

Trades Academy

Jack Sheppard
Jack Sheppard
Program Manager - CTE

The Trades Academy helps high school students explore careers in the trades by coordinating field trips to trades businesses and bringing guest speakers into high school CTE classes

Trades Academy Summer Institute Logo

Trades Academy Summer Institute (TASI)

Ann Marie Rocha
Ann Marie Rocha
Program and Event Coordinator

The Technology Exploration Summer Institute (TESI)  provides local high school students the opportunity to explore careers and acquire skills in product manufacturing, welding, and construction techniques.

CTE Humboldt Logo

CTE Programs in Humboldt County Schools

William Row
William Row
Strong Workforce Program K-12 Pathway Coordinator

CTE programs serve thousands of high school students throughout Humboldt County. The available pathways vary by school. Our CTE Humboldt section highlights the programs offered by many local high schools.

Education At Work Logo

Education at Work Internship Program

Megan Freitas
Megan Freitas
Work Based Learning Specialist

This program recruits, prepares, and places 11th-12th grade students in work-based learning experiences.  Students receive job readiness training for paid and unpaid, short-term work-based learning experiences or internships throughout all industry sectors.