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Part of HCOE’s Learning Support Services
We are a dedicated team whose primary focus is to help our multilingual communities equitably participate in their children’s education.
We strengthen communication between educators, parents, students, and the larger community. We provide professional development/parent training, translation and interpretation services, and support schools with inclusive communication. We help keep the community connected and share accurate information about our schools in Humboldt County.
The Multilingual Learner Collaborative (MLC) is a group for educators working with multilingual learners in the county. We bring you the most current CDE news, ELPAC news and much more. Come with questions, leave with answers and plans for improvements.
The Working with Interpreters & Translators Collaborativee (WIT) is a group for those who work directly with interpreters & translators. We offer tips and best practices, how to’s for requesting services, payment processes, and we bring in local individuals to answer your questions.
The Working with Interpreters & Translators Collaborativee (WIT) is a group for local interpreters & translators gather to share and learn from others in similar fields locally, with the common goal to aid those with language barriers. We meet regularly throughout the year.
We can help bridge communications with your school’s families! Use our Service Request Form to request this service.
We offer oral interpretation for parent phone calls, parent teacher conferences, IEPs, 504s, and more. Use our Service Request Form to request this service. Please give us at least a two week notice for any meeting.
Need something sooner? Contact a local interpreter.
We can help spread your message and keep your parents informed via written translation; fliers, IEP documents, assessment reports, and much more. Use our Service Request Form to request this service. Please give us at least a 2-3 week notice for any document translation.
Need something sooner? Contact a local translator.
We offer trainings to district staff as well as parent. To request a training on any of the following, use our Service Request Form.