Humboldt County Office of Education: Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy is a related service that can help a student with an IEP improve educationally related fine and gross motor skills, self-care skills, visual perceptual/visual motor skills and sensory regulation.  HCOE Occupational Therapists (OTs) are available for contracting for individual students or for a block of time depending on district needs.  OTs can perform assessments and provide direct and consultative services when the IEP team determines it is a required service for the student to access their special education program.

If you have any questions, please contact Aimee Keiser, Occupational Therapy Coordinator at or 707-616-3284.

Department Staff

Aimee Keiser
Aimee Keiser
Occupational Therapist
Natalie Daughton
Natalie Daughton
Occupational Therapist
Rachel Pirouz
Rachel Pirouz
Occupational Therapist